what are you dreaming about?
The Department of Dreams is a social practice project. We believe dreaming is a human right and our mission is simple. We create spaces—both virtual and physical—for public dreaming. Read the Dream Files below to learn more.
Thinking and talking about dreams
No matter how outlandish or impractical a dream might seem, talking about our dreams nudges us to think about them. And thinking about our dreams forces us see and imagine them—and this can make them less distant and a little more real.
Developing a dream muscle
We can access and experience our dreams, but we have to pay attention to them first. And maybe paying attention—to things big and small, over and over everyday—can help us develop a dream muscle.
Finding a Dream Portal
Boston-based artists Crystal Bi and Dzidzor Azaglo created a Dream Portal. Their invitation to rest and dream helped me think about urban space and how it could be otherwise. Unlike other interactions in the city, this experience wasn’t rushed, transactional, or taxing. It was free—and freeing.
Dreaming of Home: Dream Files #11 & 12
A lack of affordable housing means so much more than a lack of shelter. When there’s a shortage of affordable housing—for instance as housing becomes a “luxury good”— basic forms of wellness also become more unequally distributed.
Dreaming on Labor Day
Women in Lynn, MA dreamed of a world that was different—and their dreams were a crucial first step in building the forms of social movement power that could help make it happen.
Dream File #10
I dream that I am happy. I want to marry someone kind and good—someone who will be a dad to my children, because I never got that. I want to have a job I love and own a house that I can make cosy. And I want to be loved.
Dream File #9
I want to revolutionize the wedding florist industry in central Virginia so that flowers are grown and composted locally!
Dreaming in Italy
Please forgive the radio silence. The world is still messy and complicated, but Department of Dreams hasn’t thrown in the towel! I was just on vacation. It’s horribly ill advised to start a project and then immediately take a vacation, I know, but… I really needed a vacation.
Dream File #7
Having hard conversations about sexual violence that lead to empowerment and healing for all involved. No one is disposable.
Dream File #6
I dream of a home I welcome friends into, where I wake up feeling rested and loved.
Dream File #5
Overcoming my physical illness and chronic pain that debilitates my ability to hold pencils, to achieve my 13-year-old self’s dream of having a Comic-Con booth this year.
Music to dream to
Happy Friday. Do something dreamy this weekend! Maybe listening to a little Sun Ra can help <3
A few recent dreams
Even a short list of dreams can tell us a lot about the underlying nature of peoples’ dreams. What do all of these dreams have in common?
A modest spot for dreaming
In a perfect world, this project wouldn’t exist. Or more precisely, it wouldn’t need to exist because there would be a real brick-and-mortar Department of Dreams in every city. But until then, I’ve taken the small liberty of installing a modest “Dream Spot” in my neighborhood.
Dream File #1
“To be honest, I'm not totally sure. This is a hard question and my mind just freezes a bit. I probably haven't thought about something like this for a long time…”